Contact Us

ECU Main Campus location:

Office of Student Financial Aid
2103 Old Cafeteria Complex,
Mail Stop 510
East Carolina University
1000 E 5th St.
Greenville, NC 27858

Health Science Campus location:

Health Science Campus Financial Aid
1868 Health Science Drive, Room 122,
Mail Stop 753
East Carolina University
600 Moye Blvd
Greenville, NC 27834

Phone: 252-328-6610 or 252-737-6610
Main Campus Fax: 252-328-4347
Health Science Campus Fax: 252-744-5450

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

You can now schedule an appointment online to speak with a financial aid counselor! Book an appointment and a counselor will call you at the designated time.

Schedule an Appointment

Due to Federal Privacy Regulations regarding email and the protection of your personal information, we urge you to send documents via fax or mail. For materials that may contain a social security number, please cover or remove all but the last four digits. For materials with a date of birth, please cover or remove the year.

Financial Aid Staff

Files are reviewed based on the student’s last name. The letters in parenthesis identify the population assigned to each Financial Aid Staff Member for Spring 2025.

Financial Aid Administrators

  • Julie Poorman, Director of the Office of Student Financial Aid and the Financial Services Call Center
  • Brad Sikes, Associate Director for Systems
  • Bettie Westbrook, Associate Director for Counseling & Outreach – (I, Q, X, Z)